Actions Page
Actions page shows all the methods or actions in their various controllers, with a description and sort index for each method/action.
The methods/actions can be sorted ascending or descending by Name, Description or Sort Index inside of their controllers.
Add Action
A new Action can be added by clicking on "Add Action", in the top right corner.
After clicking on "Add Action", three textboxes and a dropdown list will appear. The Name, Description and Sort Index of the action must be entered, and a Controller from the dropdown list must be chosen.
A message, "Success. Actions Successfully Added!" will be shown in the top right corner after clicking on Save.
A action can be edited or deleted by clicking either on the pen or trash can.
Delete Action
After clicking on the trash can icon of a certain Action a popup will displayed asking. "Are you sure you want to delete this record?".
If yes is clicked, the action will be deleted and a message, "Success. Actions Successfully Removed!" displayed in the top right corner.
If no is selected, then the message will not be deleted.
Edit Action
After clicking on the pen icon next to a specific action, three textboxes and a dropdown list will appear, and will be populated with the Name, Description, Module and Sort Index of the action that was chosen to be edited.
The fields specified can be edited and saved. After it's saved a message, "Success. Actions Successfully Updated!".