Purchase Orders
The intake order interface is used to inform the warehouse of expected incoming receipts. The PO information must be sent to AdOr5 before the shipment physically arrives at the warehouse. Once the shipment arrives, the operators will compare the actual to the expected and capture any discrepancies. Updates to an intake order can be sent at any time up until receiving has begun. After this, no updates will be accepted.
Below you will find the Actions with descriptions and the Specfication for the requests.
This method allows you to view an empty purchaseorder.json file
Request details
Method | Endpoint | Header key | Header Value |
VIEW | BaseURL/api/inbound | X-AUTH-TOKEN | Integration Service API key |
Request Response
"POID": 0,
"PONo": null,
"PODesc": null,
"ClientID": 0,
"POSource": null,
"VendorID": null,
"Ref1": null,
"Ref2": null,
"Ref3": null,
"Ref4": null,
"BOE": null,
"DeliveryDate": null,
"DeliveryID": null,
"AllowPOUpdate": false,
"AllowASNUpdate": false,
"AllowManUpdate": false,
"CreateDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"CreateUID": 0,
"StatusID": 0,
"BlanketPO": false,
"LocationID": null,
"POType": null,
"CloseDate": null,
"CloseUID": 0,
"LogFileID": null,
"BlindReceive": null,
"MixedItemPallet": null,
"AllowOverReceive": null,
"CombinePallet": null,
"InvoiceNo": null,
"ExpiryDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"ClientNo": null,
"Location": {
"LocationID": 0,
"LocationTypeID": 0,
"LocationNo": null,
"Address1": null,
"Address2": null,
"Address3": null,
"Address4": null,
"PostalCode": null,
"CountryCode": null,
"Telephone": null,
"Fax": null,
"Email": null,
"Ref1": null,
"CreateDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"CreateUID": 0,
"SubPack": false,
"RequireWeightAndDims": false,
"CheckMethodID": 0,
"LocationName1": null,
"LocationName2": null,
"VAS": false,
"VASText": null,
"ParentLocationID": 0,
"Hub": null,
"IsXDock": false,
"UnpackBinId": null
"Lines": [
"LineNo": 0,
"CustomerNo": null,
"CustomerDesc": null,
"SKUNo": null,
"OrderedQty": 0,
"Ref1": null,
"ItemAtt1": null,
"ItemAtt2": null,
"ItemAtt3": null,
"ItemAtt4": null,
"ItemAtt5": null,
"ItemAttValue1": null,
"ItemAttValue2": null,
"ItemAttValue3": null
This method allows you to post to the PurchaseOrderSTD_API Interface.
Request details
Method | Endpoint | Header key | Header Value |
POST | BaseURL/api/inbound | X-AUTH-TOKEN | Integration Service API key |
Request Body
"interfaceName" : "PurchaseOrderSTD_API",
"returnDetailedData" : true,
"data": [{
"POID": 0,
"PONo": "DemoPO",
"PODesc": null,
"ClientID": 0,
"POSource": "Integration",
"VendorID": null,
"Ref1": null,
"Ref2": null,
"Ref3": null,
"Ref4": null,
"BOE": null,
"DeliveryDate": null,
"DeliveryID": null,
"AllowPOUpdate": false,
"AllowASNUpdate": false,
"AllowManUpdate": false,
"CreateDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"CreateUID": 0,
"StatusID": 0,
"BlanketPO": false,
"LocationID": null,
"POType": null,
"CloseDate": null,
"CloseUID": 0,
"LogFileID": null,
"BlindReceive": null,
"MixedItemPallet": 0,
"AllowOverReceive": 0,
"CombinePallet": 0,
"InvoiceNo": null,
"ExpiryDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"ClientNo": "CL01",
"Location": {
"LocationID": 0,
"LocationTypeID": 0,
"LocationNo": "BOK004",
"Address1": null,
"Address2": null,
"Address3": null,
"Address4": null,
"PostalCode": null,
"CountryCode": null,
"Telephone": null,
"Fax": null,
"Email": null,
"Ref1": null,
"CreateDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"CreateUID": 0,
"SubPack": false,
"RequireWeightAndDims": true,
"CheckMethodID": 0,
"LocationName1": null,
"LocationName2": null,
"VAS": false,
"VASText": null,
"ParentLocationID": 0,
"Hub": null,
"IsXDock": false,
"UnpackBinId": null
"Lines": [
"LineNo": 1,
"CustomerNo": "CU01",
"CustomerDesc": null,
"SKUNo": "885533",
"OrderedQty": 10,
"Ref1": null,
"ItemAtt1": null,
"ItemAtt2": null,
"ItemAtt3": null,
"ItemAtt4": null,
"ItemAtt5": null,
"ItemAttValue1": null,
"ItemAttValue2": null,
"ItemAttValue3": null
Request Response
"success": true,
"message": null,
"errorData": null,
"returnData": [
"poid": 17541,
"poNo": "DemoPO",
"poDesc": null,
"clientID": 1,
"poSource": "Integration",
"vendorID": null,
"ref1": null,
"ref2": null,
"ref3": null,
"ref4": null,
"boe": null,
"deliveryDate": "2020-11-16T21:16:17.3829909+02:00",
"deliveryID": null,
"allowPOUpdate": false,
"allowASNUpdate": false,
"allowManUpdate": false,
"createDate": "2020-11-16T21:16:19.8032138+02:00",
"createUID": 0,
"statusID": 0,
"blanketPO": false,
"locationID": 25,
"poType": null,
"closeDate": null,
"closeUID": 0,
"logFileID": null,
"blindReceive": false,
"mixedItemPallet": false,
"allowOverReceive": false,
"combinePallet": false,
"invoiceNo": null,
"expiryDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"clientNo": "CL01",
"location": {
"locationID": 25,
"locationTypeID": 2,
"locationNo": "BOK004",
"address1": null,
"address2": null,
"address3": null,
"address4": null,
"postalCode": null,
"countryCode": null,
"telephone": null,
"fax": null,
"email": null,
"ref1": null,
"createDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"createUID": 0,
"subPack": false,
"requireWeightAndDims": true,
"checkMethodID": 0,
"locationName1": null,
"locationName2": null,
"vas": false,
"vasText": null,
"parentLocationID": 0,
"hub": null,
"isXDock": false,
"unpackBinId": null
"lines": [
"lineNo": 1,
"customerNo": "CU01",
"customerDesc": null,
"skuNo": "885533",
"orderedQty": 10,
"ref1": null,
"itemAtt1": null,
"itemAtt2": null,
"itemAtt3": null,
"itemAtt4": null,
"itemAtt5": null,
"itemAttValue1": null,
"itemAttValue2": null,
"itemAttValue3": null
This method allows you to put to the PurchaseOrderSTD_API Interface.
Request details
Method | Endpoint | Header key | Header Value |
PUT | BaseURL/api/inbound | X-AUTH-TOKEN | Integration Service API key |
Request Body
"interfaceName" : "PurchaseOrderSTD_API",
"returnDetailedData" : true,
"data": [{
"POID": 0,
"PONo": "DemoPO",
"PODesc": null,
"ClientID": 0,
"POSource": "Integration",
"VendorID": null,
"Ref1": null,
"Ref2": null,
"Ref3": null,
"Ref4": null,
"BOE": null,
"DeliveryDate": null,
"DeliveryID": null,
"AllowPOUpdate": false,
"AllowASNUpdate": false,
"AllowManUpdate": false,
"CreateDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"CreateUID": 0,
"StatusID": 0,
"BlanketPO": false,
"LocationID": null,
"POType": null,
"CloseDate": null,
"CloseUID": 0,
"LogFileID": null,
"BlindReceive": null,
"MixedItemPallet": 0,
"AllowOverReceive": 0,
"CombinePallet": 0,
"InvoiceNo": null,
"ExpiryDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"ClientNo": "CL01",
"Location": {
"LocationID": 0,
"LocationTypeID": 0,
"LocationNo": "LOC001",
"Address1": null,
"Address2": null,
"Address3": null,
"Address4": null,
"PostalCode": null,
"CountryCode": null,
"Telephone": null,
"Fax": null,
"Email": null,
"Ref1": null,
"CreateDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"CreateUID": 0,
"SubPack": false,
"RequireWeightAndDims": true,
"CheckMethodID": 0,
"LocationName1": null,
"LocationName2": null,
"VAS": false,
"VASText": null,
"ParentLocationID": 0,
"Hub": null,
"IsXDock": false,
"UnpackBinId": null
"Lines": [
"LineNo": 1,
"CustomerNo": "CU01",
"CustomerDesc": null,
"SKUNo": "885533",
"OrderedQty": 100,
"Ref1": null,
"ItemAtt1": null,
"ItemAtt2": null,
"ItemAtt3": null,
"ItemAtt4": null,
"ItemAtt5": null,
"itemAttValue1": null,
"itemAttValue2": null,
"itemAttValue3": null
"success": true,
"message": null,
"errorData": null,
"returnData": [
"poid": 17541,
"poNo": "DemoPO",
"poDesc": null,
"clientID": 1,
"poSource": "Integration",
"vendorID": null,
"ref1": null,
"ref2": null,
"ref3": null,
"ref4": null,
"boe": null,
"deliveryDate": "2020-11-16T21:39:40.9301241+02:00",
"deliveryID": null,
"allowPOUpdate": false,
"allowASNUpdate": false,
"allowManUpdate": false,
"createDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"createUID": 0,
"statusID": 0,
"blanketPO": false,
"locationID": 25,
"poType": null,
"closeDate": null,
"closeUID": 0,
"logFileID": null,
"blindReceive": false,
"mixedItemPallet": false,
"allowOverReceive": false,
"combinePallet": false,
"invoiceNo": null,
"expiryDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"clientNo": "CL01",
"location": {
"locationID": 25,
"locationTypeID": 2,
"locationNo": "BOK004",
"address1": null,
"address2": null,
"address3": null,
"address4": null,
"postalCode": null,
"countryCode": null,
"telephone": null,
"fax": null,
"email": null,
"ref1": null,
"createDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"createUID": 0,
"subPack": false,
"requireWeightAndDims": true,
"checkMethodID": 0,
"locationName1": null,
"locationName2": null,
"vas": false,
"vasText": null,
"parentLocationID": 0,
"hub": null,
"isXDock": false,
"unpackBinId": null
"lines": [
"lineNo": 1,
"customerNo": "CU01",
"customerDesc": null,
"skuNo": "885533",
"orderedQty": 100,
"ref1": null,
"itemAtt1": null,
"itemAtt2": null,
"itemAtt3": null,
"itemAtt4": null,
"itemAtt5": null,
"itemAttValue1": null,
"itemAttValue2": null,
"itemAttValue3": null
Purchase Order
Field | Type | Notes | Req |
POID | Integer | N | |
PONo | String (50) | Y | |
PODesc | String (100) | N | |
ClientID | Integer | N | |
POSource | String (30) | Y | |
VendorID | Integer | N | |
Ref1 | String (50) | N | |
Ref2 | String (50) | N | |
Ref3 | String (50) | N | |
Ref4 | String (50) | N | |
BOE | String (15) | N | |
DeliveryDate | Timestap | N | |
DeliveryID | Integer | N | |
AllowPOUpdate | Boolean | N | |
AllowASNUpdate | Boolean | N | |
AllowManUpdate | Boolean | N | |
CreateDate | Timestamp | N | |
CreateUID | Integer | N | |
StatusID | Integer | N | |
BlanketPO | Boolean | N | |
LocationID | Integer | N | |
CloseDate | Timestamp | N | |
CloseUID | Integer | N | |
LogFileID | Integer | N | |
BlindReceive | Integer | 1/0 | N |
MixedItemPallet | Integer | 1/0 | N |
AllowOverReceive | Integer | 1/0 | N |
CombinePallet | Integer | 1/0 | N |
InvoiceNo | String (30) | N | |
ExpiryDate | Timestamp | N | |
ClientNo | String (30) | Y |
Field | Type | Notes | Req |
LocationID | Integer | N | |
LocationTypeID | Integer | N | |
LocationNo | String (10) | Y | |
Address1 | String (50) | N | |
Address2 | String (50) | N | |
Address3 | String (50) | N | |
Address4 | String (50) | N | |
PostalCode | String (20) | N | |
CountryCode | String (10) | N | |
Telephone | String (30) | N | |
Fax | String (30) | N | |
String (50) | N | ||
Ref1 | String (30) | N | |
CreateDate | Timestamp | N | |
CreateUID | Integer | N | |
SubPack | Boolean | N | |
RequireWeightAndDims | Integer | 0/1 | N |
CheckMethodID | Integer | N | |
LocationName1 | String (60) | N | |
LocationName2 | String (60) | N | |
VAS | Boolean | N | |
VASText | String (2048) | N | |
ParentLocationID | Integer | N | |
Hub | String (10) | N | |
IsXDock | Boolean | N | |
UnpackBinId | Integer | N |
Field | Type | Req |
LineNo | Integer | Y |
CustomerNo | String (30) | Y |
CustomerDesc | String (50) | N |
SkuNo | String (30) | Y |
OrderedQty | Integer | Y |
Ref1 | String (50) | N |
ItemAtt1 | String (40) | N |
ItemAtt2 | String (40) | N |
ItemAtt3 | String (40) | N |
ItemAtt4 | String (40) | N |
ItemAtt5 | String (40) | N |
ItemAttValue1 | Double | N |
ItemAttValue2 | Double | N |
ItemAttValue3 | Double | N |