Product Master
AdOr5 requires that all products are loaded into the system prior to receiving any of the units into the warehouse.
Product master records that are created or updated in the host system must be sent to AdOr5 when new products are created, modified and/or marked as inactive in the host system.
Multiple barcodes can also be stored against a single product.
Below you will find the Actions with descriptions and the Specfication for the requests.
This method allows you to view an empty productmaster.json file
Request details
Method | Endpoint | Header key | Header Value |
VIEW | BaseURL/api/product | X-AUTH-TOKEN | Integration Service API key |
Request Response
"ProductType": {
"TypeNo": null,
"TypeDesc": null
"ProductStorageType": {
"StorageTypeID": 0,
"StorageTypeCode": null,
"StorageTypeDesc": null
"ProductDepartment": {
"DepartmentNo": null,
"DepartmentDesc": null
"Barcodes": [
"ProductID": 0,
"GroupNo": null,
"DepartmentNo": null,
"DepartmentDesc": null,
"TypeNo": null,
"StyleNo": null,
"StyleDesc": null,
"ColourCode": null,
"ColourDesc": null,
"SizeCode": null,
"SizeDesc": null,
"SizeSort": null,
"SKUNo": null,
"PackQty": null,
"CostPrice": 0.0,
"SellPrice": 0.0,
"ProductWeight": 0.0,
"ProductCube": 0.0,
"LotDimensionID": null,
"LotQty": null,
"StorageTypeID": null,
"StorageTypeCode": null,
"CountryCode": null,
"TechIndex": null,
"CreateDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"CreateUID": 0,
"SeasonCode": null,
"TimePeriod": null,
"ChildQty": null,
"ParentQty": null,
"ControllerCode": null,
"ControllerName": null,
"Grade": null,
"SupplierType": null,
"SupplierName": null,
"SupplierCity": null,
"SerialControlled": false,
"CanExpire": false,
"WeighableItem": false,
"ProductLength": 0.0,
"ProductWidth": 0.0,
"ProductHeight": 0.0,
"Ref1": null,
"Ref2": null
This method allows you to post to the ProductMasterSTD_API Interface.
Request details
Method | Endpoint | Header key | Header Value |
POST | BaseURL/api/product | X-AUTH-TOKEN | Integration Service API key |
Request Body
"interfaceName" : "ProductMasterSTD_API",
"returnDetailedData" : true,
"data": [{
"ProductType": {
"TypeNo": "DemoProdType",
"TypeDesc": null
"ProductStorageType": {
"StorageTypeID": 0,
"StorageTypeCode": "DemoStorageType",
"StorageTypeDesc": null
"ProductDepartment": {
"DepartmentNo": "TestDep",
"DepartmentDesc": null
"Barcodes": [
"ProductID": 0,
"GroupNo": null,
"DepartmentNo": null,
"DepartmentDesc": null,
"TypeNo": null,
"StyleNo": "885533",
"StyleDesc": "APIDemo",
"ColourCode": null,
"ColourDesc": null,
"SizeCode": null,
"SizeDesc": null,
"SizeSort": null,
"SKUNo": "885533",
"PackQty": 0,
"CostPrice": 0.0,
"SellPrice": 0.0,
"ProductWeight": 0.0,
"ProductCube": 0.0,
"LotDimensionID": null,
"LotQty": null,
"StorageTypeID": null,
"StorageTypeCode": null,
"CountryCode": null,
"TechIndex": null,
"CreateDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"CreateUID": 0,
"SeasonCode": null,
"TimePeriod": null,
"ChildQty": null,
"ParentQty": null,
"ControllerCode": null,
"ControllerName": null,
"Grade": null,
"SupplierType": null,
"SupplierName": null,
"SupplierCity": null,
"SerialControlled": false,
"CanExpire": false,
"WeighableItem": false,
"ProductLength": 0.0,
"ProductWidth": 0.0,
"ProductHeight": 0.0,
"Ref1": null,
"Ref2": null
Request Response
"success": true,
"message": null,
"errorData": null,
"returnData": [
"productType": {
"typeNo": "DemoProdType",
"typeDesc": "DemoProdType"
"productStorageType": {
"storageTypeID": 12,
"storageTypeCode": "DemoStorageType",
"storageTypeDesc": "DemoStorageType"
"productDepartment": {
"departmentNo": "TestDep",
"departmentDesc": "TestDep"
"barcodes": [],
"productID": 22,
"groupNo": null,
"departmentNo": "TestDep",
"departmentDesc": null,
"typeNo": "DemoProdType",
"styleNo": "885533",
"styleDesc": "APIDemo",
"colourCode": null,
"colourDesc": null,
"sizeCode": null,
"sizeDesc": null,
"sizeSort": null,
"skuNo": "885533",
"packQty": 0,
"costPrice": 0.0,
"sellPrice": 0.0,
"productWeight": 0.0,
"productCube": 0.0,
"lotDimensionID": null,
"lotQty": null,
"storageTypeID": 12,
"storageTypeCode": "DemoStorageType",
"countryCode": null,
"techIndex": null,
"createDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"createUID": 0,
"seasonCode": null,
"timePeriod": null,
"childQty": null,
"parentQty": null,
"controllerCode": null,
"controllerName": null,
"grade": null,
"supplierType": null,
"supplierName": null,
"supplierCity": null,
"serialControlled": false,
"canExpire": false,
"weighableItem": false,
"productLength": 0.0,
"productWidth": 0.0,
"productHeight": 0.0,
"ref1": null,
"ref2": null
This method allows you to put to the ProductMasterSTD_JSON Interface.
Request details
Method | Endpoint | Header key | Header Value |
PUT | BaseURL/api/product | X-AUTH-TOKEN | Integration Service API key |
Request Body
"interfaceName" : "ProductMasterSTD_API",
"returnDetailedData" : true,
"data": [{
"ProductType": {
"TypeNo": "DemoProdType",
"TypeDesc": null
"ProductStorageType": {
"StorageTypeID": 0,
"StorageTypeCode": "DemoStorageType",
"StorageTypeDesc": null
"ProductDepartment": {
"DepartmentNo": "TestDep",
"DepartmentDesc": null
"Barcodes": [
"ProductID": 0,
"GroupNo": null,
"DepartmentNo": null,
"DepartmentDesc": null,
"TypeNo": null,
"StyleNo": "885533",
"StyleDesc": "APIDemo",
"ColourCode": null,
"ColourDesc": null,
"SizeCode": null,
"SizeDesc": null,
"SizeSort": null,
"SKUNo": "885533",
"PackQty": 0,
"CostPrice": 15.0,
"SellPrice": 20.0,
"ProductWeight": 0.0,
"ProductCube": 0.0,
"LotDimensionID": null,
"LotQty": null,
"StorageTypeID": null,
"StorageTypeCode": null,
"CountryCode": null,
"TechIndex": null,
"CreateDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"CreateUID": 0,
"SeasonCode": null,
"TimePeriod": null,
"ChildQty": null,
"ParentQty": null,
"ControllerCode": null,
"ControllerName": null,
"Grade": null,
"SupplierType": null,
"SupplierName": null,
"SupplierCity": null,
"SerialControlled": false,
"CanExpire": false,
"WeighableItem": false,
"ProductLength": 0.0,
"ProductWidth": 0.0,
"ProductHeight": 0.0,
"Ref1": null,
"Ref2": null
"success": true,
"message": null,
"errorData": null,
"returnData": [
"productType": {
"typeNo": "DemoProdType",
"typeDesc": "DemoProdType"
"productStorageType": {
"storageTypeID": 12,
"storageTypeCode": "DemoStorageType",
"storageTypeDesc": "DemoStorageType"
"productDepartment": {
"departmentNo": "TestDep",
"departmentDesc": "TestDep"
"barcodes": [],
"productID": 22,
"groupNo": null,
"departmentNo": "TestDep",
"departmentDesc": null,
"typeNo": "DemoProdType",
"styleNo": "885533",
"styleDesc": "APIDemo",
"colourCode": null,
"colourDesc": null,
"sizeCode": null,
"sizeDesc": null,
"sizeSort": null,
"skuNo": "885533",
"packQty": 0,
"costPrice": 15.0,
"sellPrice": 20.0,
"productWeight": 0.0,
"productCube": 0.0,
"lotDimensionID": null,
"lotQty": null,
"storageTypeID": 12,
"storageTypeCode": "DemoStorageType",
"countryCode": null,
"techIndex": null,
"createDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"createUID": 0,
"seasonCode": null,
"timePeriod": null,
"childQty": null,
"parentQty": null,
"controllerCode": null,
"controllerName": null,
"grade": null,
"supplierType": null,
"supplierName": null,
"supplierCity": null,
"serialControlled": false,
"canExpire": false,
"weighableItem": false,
"productLength": 0.0,
"productWidth": 0.0,
"productHeight": 0.0,
"ref1": null,
"ref2": null
Product Type
Field | Type | Notes | Req |
typeNo | String (15) | Y | |
typeDesc | String (50) | Defaults to typeNo | N |
Product Storage Type
Field | Type | Notes | Req |
storageTypeID | Integer | N | |
storageTypeCode | String (20) | Y | |
storageTypeDesc | String (30) | Defaults to storageTypeCode | N |
Product Department
Field | Type | Notes | Req |
departmentNo | String (15) | Y | |
departmentDesc | String (50) | N |
A string array. Not required.
Product Master
Field | Type | Notes | Req |
productID | Integer | N | |
groupNo | String (15) | N | |
departmentNo | String (15) | Uses the departmentNo in productDepartment | N |
departmentDesc | String (50) | Uses the departmentDesc in productDepartment | N |
typeNo | String (15) | Uses the typeNo in productType | N |
styleNo | String (30) | Y | |
styleDesc | String (50) | Y | |
colourCode | String (10) | N | |
colourDesc | String (30) | N | |
sizeCode | String (10) | N | |
sizeDesc | String (30) | N | |
sizeSort | Integer | N | |
skuNo | String (30) | Y | |
packQty | Integer | N | |
costPrice | Float | N | |
sellPrice | Float | N | |
productWeight | Float | N | |
productCube | Float | N | |
lotDimensionID | Integer | N | |
lotQty | Integer | N | |
storageTypeID | Integer | N | |
storageTypeCode | String (20) | Uses the storageTypeCode in productStorageType | N |
countryCode | String (10) | N | |
techIndex | String (3) | N | |
createDate | timestamp | N | |
createUID | Integer | N | |
seasonCode | String (10) | N | |
timePeriod | String (3) | N | |
childQty | Integer | N | |
parentQty | Integer | N | |
controllerCode | String (10) | N | |
controllerName | String (30) | N | |
grade | String (10) | N | |
supplierType | String (10) | N | |
supplierName | String (60) | N | |
supplierCity | String (10) | N | |
serialControlled | Boolean | N | |
canExpire | Boolean | N | |
weighableItem | Boolean | N | |
productLength | Float | N | |
productWidth | Float | N | |
productHeight | Float | N | |
ref1 | String (255) | N | |
ref2 | String (255) | N |